Room Rates

The Room Rates command is used to set up Room Rates for sleeping rooms based on Building, Rate Plan and/or Room Type, date range and day of the week. Edit the configuration to suit your Property and set up the selections that your staff can use when entering information into the system. The Room Rates command is most useful for setting seasonal Room Rates that do not vary relative to other factors. If you wish a Room Rate to change whenever another Rate does so (calculate from a base rate), or to alter with occupancy, you should consider using the Rate Plan Types screen.

Note: The Room Rates command is found in the Manager's Commands Screen area, which contains features that are typically used by a Manager, rather than a regular Staff member. You may edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time IF you have the appropriate access/authorization. This attribute may only be customized in Skyware if you have the authorization to do so.



Date Updated June 08, 2021